Siemenpuu does not accept applications outside the published application rounds. Information about the opened calls for concept papers will be published here and in the Current/News section of the website.
Thematic and geographical areas
Biocultural rights
- strengthening of indigenous and local communities’ biocultural diversity by advancing the implementation of internationally acknowledged traditional rights (particularly in Kenya and Myanmar).
- The call for concept papers to Kenya and Myanmar was open in February-March 2022.
- No further calls expected before 2026.
Energy justice
- support to sustainable energy systems serving rural communities by advancing participatory energy planning and community-based energy production (particularly in Mali and Myanmar).
- The first call for concept papers to Mali and Myanmar was open in April-May 2022 and the second call was opened in December 2022. For safety reasons, the Myanmar call is not public.
- No further calls expected before 2026.
Feminist agroecology and Community forests
- Strengthening the rights of local communities dependent on forests and smallholder farming in order to improve livelihoods and protect biodiversity (particularly in Liberia and Mozambique).
- The call for concept papers to Liberia and Mozambique was open in April-May 2022.
- No further calls expected before 2026.
Funding guidelines and criteria
Calls are subject to thematic and geographic restrictions as well as the general Funding Guidelines and Criteria of Siemenpuu. Siemenpuu’s Ethical Code of Conduct must be followed in the supported projects. Funded projects need to follow the Guidelines for Financial Management, Guidelines on Equality and Human Rights, Guidance Note on Gender Equality, and Guidance Note on Disability Inclusion.