In the Siemenpuu Foundation’s Finnish-language publication Luonnonsuojelun dekolonisaatio – Kohti kanssaelävää suojelua (“Decolonizing Nature Conservation – Towards Convivial Conservation”), the colonial structures of nature conservation are analyzed with examples from Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Madagascar, Myanmar, Samí and Finland. Decolonizing ideas and approaches e.g. on convivial conservation from the indigenous and Southern community perspectives are then introduced. The publication also includes a photo essay “Living and Dying” by Noora Ojala.
The need for decolonizing the structures is part of wider societal change, where we need to assess the currents values, concepts and actions. At the same time, possibilities for different types of environmental protection can be opened.
Pdf ja e-Book were published in the English-language webinar on 21 Dec 2021. Recording of the event can be found in Facebook.
The publication is only available in Finnish, and you can access it in pdf and e-book formats at the Finnish webpage. Also audio book in Finnish is available.
Haavisto, O.-P., Korhonen, P. ja Kuronen, T. (toim.)
LUONNONSUOJELUN DEKOLONISAATIO – Kohti kanssaelävää suojelua
Siemenpuun teemajulkaisu 8
Siemenpuu-säätiö, 2021
ISBN: 978-952-392-002-6 (pdf), 978-952-392-001-9 (e-kirja)