Texts in the Finnish-language Muutosvaihtoehdot web publication on systemic change and its possibilities are divided under six themes: Hyvä elämä (Buen vivir), Kasvun purku (Degrowth), Yhteinen (Commons), Ekofeminismi (Ecofeminism), Maaemon oikeudet (Rights of the Mother Earth) ja Paikallistaminen (Deglobalization).
Many of the texts have been translated from the Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary book, which includes over 100 essays on the alternatives of the current globalized development. The themes are explained and illustrated by the infographs produced by the Fundación Solón. More articles will be added under each themes later.
Muutosvaihtoehdot was published on 27 February 2019 in the seminar Systemic Alternatives to Unsustainable Development at the Think Corner of the University of Helsinki. The keynote speaker was Indian activist-academic Ashish Kothari, who is one of the editors of Pluriverse. You can watch here the video recording from the event .