Whose water are we consuming? What is the real price of cotton production? Why don’t the rivers reach the local communities any longer?
Kirja vedestä (A Book on Water), published in 2010, reveals the experiences of people living by or working with water. The book opens horizons for the causes, consequences and solutions of the water crisis. In India ground water is drying up as a result of cotton production, on the Mekong River dam projects threaten the livelihoods of millions, at the Tana Delta in East Africa people are at risk of losing their land and water.
These along many other examples from around the globe speak about what happens when water is harnessed for growing consumption needs. The stories also present people that have risen to defend their living environment and way of life while offering alternative perspectives on water and its use.
You can download the Finnish-language pdf book from the Finnish page of the book.