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Seminar on Systemic Alternatives to Unsustainable Development on 27 Feb 2019

A public seminar about systemic alternatives to mainstream development

Time: Wed 27 Feb 2019 at 13:00 – 17:00
Venue: Tiedekulma (Think Corner), Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki

Worldwide, there is a search for radical, systemic alternatives to dominant structures of inequity, injustice, and unsustainability which have created multiple global crises. Several recent books (‘Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary’, ‘Alternatives in a World of Crisis’, ‘Alternative Futures: India Unshackled’, and ‘Systemic Alternatives’) are part of this search, providing cases, examples, concepts, and worldviews from across the world. Together they show that ‘another world’, or indeed multiple worlds of justice, are indeed possible. Editor of two of these books, activist-scholar Ashish Kothari, will deliver keynote speech in this seminar.

This event will also mark the launch of Siemenpuu Foundation’s dedicated website on systemic alternatives Muutosvaihtoehdot (in Finnish). The website will include several translated texts into Finnish from the forthcoming Pluriverse book, as well as texts from other sources. Website design will be based on infographics from the Systemic Alternatives website.

The seminar is pre-event for the Development Days 2019 Conference.
Register your participation at the Facebook event page!

Link to the video recording

13:00 Welcome and Introductions
Aili Pyhälä, FSDR and University of Helsinki
Marko Ulvila, Siemenpuu Foundation

13:15 Keynote
Ashish Kothari, Kalpavriksh (India): Towards a Just and Sustainable World (presentation pdf, 3.2 Mb)

13:45 Panel Discussion
– Panelists: Ashish Kothari, Eija Ranta (researcher on Buen Vivir/ Vivir Bien), Ruby van der Wekken (Commons activist) and Tuuli Hirvilammi (researcher on sustainable welfare and new economy)
– Moderator: Philosopher Thomas Wallgren

14:30 Open Forum
– Questions and comments

15:00 – 17:00 Refreshments and Meetings
– Gathering at the Think Lounge

– FSDR, Finnish Society for Development Research
Development Studies, University of Helsinki
Siemenpuu Foundation

– HELSUS, Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science

A founder of Indian environmental group Kalpavriksh, Ashish taught at Indian Institute of Public Administration, coordinated India’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, served on Greenpeace International and India Boards, helped initiate the global ICCA Consortium and chaired an IUCN network on protected areas and communities. Ashish has (co)authored or (co)edited over thirty books (including ‘Birds in Our Lives’, and ‘Churning the Earth’), and helps coordinate the Vikalp Sangam process.