The Siemenpuu Foundation was founded in 1998 by fifteen Finnish non-governmental organisations working in the areas of environment and development:
BirdLife Finland promotes bird watching, bird research, protection of birds and their habitats, biodiversity, and sustainable development. It is the parent organisation of 30 Finnish bird societies with nearly 12 000 individual members. BirdLife Finland is part of BirdLife International, the biggest network of environmental organisations in the world and the leading expert organisation in the conservation of birds and their habitats.
Coalition for Environment and Development (Ympäristö ja kehitys)
Coalition for Environment and Development aims to develop approaches which combine environmental protection and the abolition of poverty. Protecting the environment in ways that strip people of their livelihoods is not sustainable. On the other hand, economical activities destructive to the environment cannot create sustainable jobs for anyone. Coalition for Environment and Development is a small NGO that provides tiny amounts of support to projects it considers important in the Third World.
Dodo considers environmental issues from a social perspective, refraining from unnecessary simplification. Global environmental problems are not detachable from our dinner tables, tube stations and adventure holidays. It is important to come up with new solutions and to engage in cooperation with surprising parties, too. Dodo tries to avoid useless antagonisms and instead approaches environmental issues broadly, from diverse perspectives.
Environmental Education Association FEE Finland (FEE Suomi)
FEE Finland, officially the Environmental Education Association FEE Finland, is specialised in promoting, developing and supporting environmental education. It engages in environmental education to promote sustainable ways of living. The association aims to increase the number of motivated Finnish educators capable of providing children and the youth with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for sustainable development. FEE Finland is part of the international FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) network.
Finnish Nature League (Luontoliitto)
The Finnish Nature League is a non-governmental nature club and environmental protection organisation for children and the youth. Its mission is to build a society in which biodiversity and the intrinsic value of nature are acknowledged and respected. Nature League tackles for example issues related to forests, the climate, the Baltic Sea, sustainable consumption and large wild carnivores. It offers children and the youth substantial experiences of nature, opportunities for making a difference and plenty of matter-of-fact knowledge.
Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, FANC (Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto, SLL)
The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation is the largest non-governmental organisation for environmental protection and nature conservation in Finland. The association has defended Finnish nature already for more than 75 years.
Finnish Development NGOs – Fingo (Suomalaiset kehitysjärjestöt – Fingo)
Fingo is an NGO platform and an expert on global development. We represent 300 Finnish civil society organisations and strive to build a fairer world for all. Fingo and its member organisations work to make life better – for everyone. Fingo was formed by merging two umbrella organisations, Kepa and the Finnish NGDO Platform to the European Union, Kehys. Kepa was one of Siemenpuu’s founding members.
Finnish Society for Nature and Environment (Natur och Miljö)
The Finnish Society for Nature and Environment is a national Swedish-speaking environmental citizens organisation (ECO). Supported by approximately 3500 individual members, the organisation runs campaigns, participates in social debate on the environment and engages in concrete environmental education and awareness-raising among children and the youth. The Finnish Society for Nature and Environment publishes the periodical Finlands Natur and hosts a website, which contains diverse information on environmental issues.
Friends of the Earth Finland (Maan ystävät)
Friends of the Earth is an NGO which offers people the opportunity to act for an ecologically more sustainable and socially more just world. The world is a system of diverse interwoven issues. For this reason, Friends of the Earth promotes environmental protection, social and societal justice, human rights, and peace and democracy. Friends of the Earth Finland is part of Friends of the Earth International, a network composed of groups from approximately 77 countries in all continents.
Green Cultural Association (Vihreä sivistysliitto)
The Green Cultural Association is an educational association advocating sustainable development and global solidarity through adult education and cultural projects. Since 1995, the Green Cultural Association has been running the Educational Centre Visio, a liberal adult education centre in Finland. The Educational Centre Visio offers training and educational services for members of the Green Party, civil society organisations and their volunteers, and individuals interested in environmental issues. Visio also operates as a think tank, a cultural association and a book publisher.
New Wind (Uusi Tuuli)
New Wind promotes international solidarity, equitable international economy, peace, and mutual understanding between individuals and nations. The NGO pushes towards these goals by proliferating the greatest traditions of humanity: voluntary work, hospitality, care, playfulness and learning.
Swallows of Finland (Kehitysmaayhdistys Pääskyt)
The Swallows of Finland, founded in 1964, is one of the oldest Finnish development cooperation NGOs. Its work is based on a long-term, equal partnership with Southern organisations. Swallows aims to a more equal world at the grassroots level.
Technology for Life (Tekniikka elämää palvelemaan, TEP)
Technology for Life is an NGO run by people who are interested in technology, in its effects on the society and environment, and in new ways of directing it. The organisation evaluates the impacts of technology and acts as a forum for debate on the ethics of technology. It also promotes environmentally sustainable technologies and world peace.
Tinku Finland
Tinku Finland is an NGO aiming to raise awareness of the cultures, popular education and popular movements of the Andean region mainly through global education. ‘Tinku’ is a word in the Aymara and Quechua languages, and it refers to the encountering of different powers: reciprocity, multiculturality and learning from each other. At the moment, Tinku is not operational.
The mission of WWF is to stop environmental degradation and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. WWF supporters are involved in the protection of the most endangered species and the most exceptional ecosystems and habitats on Earth. WWF operates in more than than 100 countries.